Last night, around 2 a.m. I received a shock. I was disconnecting an electric cable from the bathroom when an electric shock started from my left index finger and passed through my arm. It was shocking, LOL. It takes you by surprise every time it happens. It’s happened to be about 4 times since last year. I would have to say that the one that happened about 4 months ago was the biggest shock. T hat one happened while I was mopping…. I have the tendency to dry my hands on the sides of my shirt so, what happens when you are barefoot , wet, and about to connect a lamp? Yeah, you already guessed. I ended up with big purple bruises on the sides of my stomach….
The plus side to all of this is that I was reading online that doctors use/used shock therapy for patients who had depression… (correct me if I’m wrong). So, suddenly I wasn’t feeling all that depressed! LOL :)